Sammy Runners

As proof that science, and especially the commitment to it, is not only linked to research laboratories and certainly not made up of seriousness for its own sake, we cannot fail to mention Sammy Runners! Who are they? They are practically the friends that Sammy calls his tribe, those without whom he could not imagine his life. In short, the friends of evenings out, projects made together, dreams about the future shared and much more.


They too, unable to resist the enthusiasm created around our mission, decided to espouse our cause and help research in a very special way. It all started when a group of marathon runners, who later became great friends, decided to run the Venice Marathon together with Sammy.

Obviously, Sammy, not being able to even walk for very long, would never have been able to run the 42 kilometres and 195 metres required to cross the finish line of a marathon, so the group of marathon runners equipped themselves with a Joelette, a special wheelchair that can be pulled in three and running. The adventure was met with international acclaim and, as Sammy's long-time friends were also involved, it was decided to go ahead. Training steadily, Sammy's friends started to grind out more and more kilometres and over time they collected several half-marathons, a few solo races and always flying the Sammy Runners flag, and also the Milan Marathon 2022, the Venice Marathon 2022 and the Rome Marathon 2023.

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We have fun, together

The first big goal of this group of friends is the one that unites them with every other group of friends: to have fun! During the race, during stops, during well-deserved third times, every opportunity is good to laugh, joke, discuss and be together. All in the knowledge that they are contributing to something beyond pure and simple fun.



And surely, as I learn from them what normality is, they understand from me what diversity is.

— Sammy Basso


We carry a profound message

They didn't realise it at first, busy as they were having fun, but little by little the Sammy Runners realised the strength that their running expressed as well as the great sense of hope and joy that they bring to people who are always ready to cheer and follow their adventures on social media. And so they began to wonder why running, apart from the fun, was so good for them too, and the answer was always there, before their eyes: group building, team building! Sammy would never have been able to run a marathon with his own legs, but thanks to the legs of his friends, he can do it and rejoice together with them at the finish line. A lot of things, which Sammy could not do, he is able to do thanks to the constant presence of his friends by his side. Sammy's friends, on the other hand, probably wouldn't have run a marathon without the opportunity for Sammy to run. And surely, as Sammy learns from them what normality is, they learn from Sammy what diversity is. And everyone, among the Sammy Runners, has a role thanks to which they can express their abilities to the fullest: there are those who run, those who prepare the refreshments, those who take the photos, those who film their exploits, those who cook the catering dinner, those who organise the routes, those who coordinate everything. Everyone does a bit of everything, and everyone does a bit of everything, but without ever forgetting the pleasure of doing it, even if they grumble at times, like any self-respecting group of friends. The Sammy Runners are a diverse group of hard-working friends who have discovered that unity, together with commitment, can achieve great things. Alone, in fact, we can go far and cut great goals but it is only together that we can do what we thought was impossible and they are the living example!

We support research

Despite the training, which, especially in the run-up to the races, always gets a little tougher, the Sammy Runners never forget that they are attached to a mission of which they show the most fun and wild side: supporting progeria research. This is why, whether by taking advantage of social media, or by launching charity initiatives and campaigns, the Sammy Runners make their contribution both in raising valuable funds and in making a light-hearted social disclosure, also aimed at the youngest, that focuses on inclusion and the person instead of the disease.