Sam and his family

A.I.Pro.Sa.B.'s relationship with the Progeria Research Foundation (PRF) is the result of a long history of collaboration and friendship that began in 2000, at the time of Sammy and his parents' first trip to the United States of America. Right from the start, a strong bond of mutual support was established with Sam Berns' family, who were among the first promoters of research into progeria (PRF was in fact founded in 1999), due to a common desire to not be satisfied and the aim of wanting to shed light on what was still one of the most mysterious and unknown diseases in the world. Sam was born in 1996, just a few months after Sammy, their mutual esteem and shared experiences soon led them to forge a sincere friendship. Brought together by a disease, but also by the burden of having to represent, although very young, a growing research on which the lives of other patients with progeria would depend. Not only that, however, Sam and Sammy shared a common passion for science, art, good beer and fun, combined with a strong desire to leave their mark on the world and certainly not to let the disease limit them. This is why, during their stays in Boston for experimental treatments, there was no shortage of opportunities to meet and days spent together that, despite the difficulties of the hospital, became unforgettable experiences of indelible relationships.

Alongside the relationship between Sam and Sammy, however, a very close relationship also grew up between Laura and Amerigo, Sammy's parents, with Leslie and Scott, Sam's parents, and Audrey, his aunt and president of the PRF.

PRF and A.I.Pro.Sa.B.

In 2014, when Sam passed away, just a few weeks after his very famous TED talk (see link at the foot of the page) that also became his spiritual testament, it was also a blow to A.I.Pro.Sa.B. and Sammy's family, who considered and still consider Sam as a son or brother. Despite the pain of Sam's loss, also to honour his memory, the PRF, with Sam's family at its head, has continued its mission of finding treatments for patients with progeria. 

Support from Italy did not diminish and after graduating, Sammy became PRF's International Ambassador. Commitment to research, however, is not just a way of honouring Sam: for Leslie and Scott, as well as for Laura and Amerigo, every boy with progeria is like a son, and the emotional involvement derived from not treating a disease, but rather people, creates enormously strong bonds. And it is in this spirit that the association helps PRF: it is not just about collaboration, science, medical connections and hours and hours spent working on the same projects. It is also about feeling part of the same family, spread across the globe, it is about striving to ensure that all people with progeria and their families receive all possible care, regardless of social background or country of origin. It is about cultivating a common mission but also a great friendship, not only with Leslie, Scott and Audrey, without whom we would never have got where we are now, but also with all the fantastic collaborators that PRF has gathered around it over time.

You can see part of PRF's scientific efforts and Sam's life in the award-winning HBO documentary entitled Life according to Sam

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Also watch the TED talk that made Sam Berns world famous: 

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